القائمة الرئيسية


Nebraska - BIG in Nebraska

+حجم الخط-
https://ift.tt/VIf4N1b https://ift.tt/troy3TD

Special Transport operations are expanding! Drivers looking for speciality work in our upcoming Nebraska DLC for American Truck Simulator will be pleased to know that oversized loads will be on offer in the Job Market. 

Truckers who are ready to take on these mighty loads will find several new Special Transport routes in Nebraska. Whilst these routes have been carefully pre-planned by our dispatchers, you can expect there to be some challenging manoeuvres on the road to your final destination. As always, local police and trained escort teams will assist in guiding you along the correct route, and where necessary, help block traffic to allow safe passage.

Seasoned truck drivers with experience in this field will know that these jobs are no easy task and require patience, skill and knowledge of their rig. Loads range in size and length, and drivers can expect some new ones to come too! Think you got what it takes? Special Transport DLC owners will find contracts on offer between the following cities: 

Scottsbluff to McCook 
Norfolk to Omaha
Lincoln to North Platte

We look forward to welcoming drivers old and new on these Special Transport jobs in Nebraska. In the mean-time, be sure to brush up on your skills by checking out some of the contracts available in the Job Market. New to the trucker scene? Then be sure to add the Nebraska DLC to your Steam Wishlist, and to check out the Special Transport DLC for American Truck Simulator. Until next time, keep on truckin'. 
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